brand: how does it work
The brand adopts the 4s Platform in order to map and engage its supply chain.
All reporting and data collection activities from the supply chain are performed directly on the Platform, allowing the brand to access real time information about the supply chain ranking, reporting and assessment.
what does Ympact do
- Ympact helps companies measure their impacts, identify action priorities for improvement, communicate their performance
- Ympact digitizes the implementation process of the sustainability initiatives it is based on
- Through Ympact, brand and supply chain share up-to-date data and information on the 4sustainability framework initiatives implemented and the level of implementation achieved
- As a ZDHC-accredited platform for Incheck Report generation, Ympact provides a clear and comprehensive picture of the compliance level with the ZDHC MRSL
supply chain: how does it work
Suppliers can adopt the 4s Platform autonomously or on input from the brand.
With the framework adoption, they commit to perform a self assessment and data collection and then to continue the assurance process for achieving performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure transparency and credibility.

self assessment
Each transformation roadmap towards sustainability begins with an honest assessment of the starting situation. This “photograph” can be taken online in full autonomy through a system built on the six 4sustainability initiatives.
The assessment aims to collect information and measure the level of maturity of the initiatives implemented.
the software for data collection of the production chain
Tracking internal processes and monitoring one’s supply chain is essential to transform one’s business model in a sustainable direction. Tracking and monitoring means measuring and thus collecting the data that substantiate the sustainability performance of fashion production. Ympact is the fashion supply chain data collection software: through a collaborative process between customer and supplier, impact data is collected and verified to improve each supplier’s performance on the six implementation pillars of the 4sustainability framework, to obtain primary data to support Green Claim and Digital Product Passport, to ensure the veracity of the commitment and counteract greenwashing.