Francesca Rulli
CEO Process Factory and Ympact Società Benefit | Founder 4sustainability®
A few words about me
“People often define me as a sustainability expert and if others say so, I prefer. I was born in Florence, where I’m lucky enough to continue living and working, where I have before my eyes every day the wonders of a nature to be preserved and those of human genius and creativity…
Florence is my city and the world my dimension: the opportunity to travel and know other places and meet people to learn from is what makes me really happy and a better person, I think.
I have always been interested in the environment and human rights issues, and over time this interest has become a passion and the passion a business. Process Factory was born this way and it’s been fifteen years now. In 2013 it was the turn of 4sustainability, the implementation system and assurance mark that measures the sustainability performance of the fashion & luxury supply chain.
Beyond the profession, sustainability is important to me above all for its cultural value. I believe my commitment as a teacher and disseminator of sustainability issues comes from this feeling, from the idea that certain principles should guide our steps every day.
Same thing for the book Aware Fashionistas. Vademecum of sustainable fashion (Dario Flaccovio Editore): I appeal to consumers, as well as to the production supply chain, because I entrust my dreams of a better world to this synergy: summed together, the behaviors of each of us, the choices and investments we do, the people we decide to ally with to fight our battles… make the impossible possible”.

My multi-years experience in Business Process Management converges in founding Process Factory.
4sustainability, the framework for fashion & luxury’s transition to sustainability, is born.
ZDHC, which Process Factory has joined since the first hour, credits me as a trainer.
My commitment to spread the culture of sustainability in lectures, conferences, events… becomes structured.
I become 4sustainability Ambassador as a system based on GFA’s six priorities.
My book Fashionisti consapevoli. Vademecum della Moda sostenibile is released.
I participate in founding Ympact Società Benefit.
I become a member of ZDHC Steering Committee.
I contribute to the YHub Group foundation.

Fashionisti consapevoli
Vademecum della moda sostenibile
Preface by Matteo Marzotto

State of Fashion 2024 e Fashion CEO Agenda 2023
13 June 2024
State of Fashion 2024 and Fashion CEO Agenda 2023: The Themes Shaping the Future of Fashion.
This is the title of the webinar from which we have extracted the highlights that you can listen to in this video. Starting from the snapshot of the fashion sector provided by the State of Fashion report by McKinsey & Company and The Business of Fashion, we discussed the Green Claims Directive, marketing tools, supply chains, and digitalization from the perspective of companies, aiming to identify the best operational responses to the increasingly pressing challenges of the market. This is precisely the support that the recent evolutions of the 4sustainability system aim to ensure.
coming soon
live with 4sustainability starts again in September! Waiting for the next episode, follow us on the LinkedIn Group Sustainable Business Makers!
interview archive
State of Fashion 2024 e Fashion CEO Agenda 2023
13 June 2024
Global Fashion Summit 2023
20 July 2023
Matteo Ward 2nd
16 June 2023
Eugenio Parravicini
5 June 2023
State of Fashion 2023
5 June 2023
e-P Summit 2023
18 April 2023
Sustainable Christmas Wishes
23 December 2022
Silvia Gambi
6 December 2022