“Sustainability in fashion is not an end, much less the ultimate goal. It is the condition for fashion to play a key role in the transition to a regenerative rather than extractive economy.”

Massimo Brandellero was professionally born in the leather and tanneries world.
In 2008, he founded We Are. He supported for over 15 years some major European brands with significant raw material sourcing activities in the Far East.

Since 2011, after the launch of Greenpeace’s Detox campaign, sustainability has been influencing his approach to the sector in which he moves. One of the results, in 2015, is the foundation with other partners of The ID Factory, an IT Platform developed to spread the supply chain traceability in fashion & luxury. At its base, there is the strong belief that it is not possible to improve what cannot be measured. And that it is not possible to measure what cannot be traced.