share goals and results

Sustainable development is a challenge that involves everyone: governments, institutions, NGOs, companies and individuals. We feel that its global nature calls for a shared approach and interventions connected by a common thread, resulting more effective the larger the group of people involved. The 4sustainability® is based on this founding principle, or rather on the idea that working together means that results are achieved sooner, maximising the results. The tangible expressions of this commitment include Process Factory’s adhesion to a number of international initiatives that we will explain in more detail below, selected for their seriousness and for the consensus in the goals pursued by its members with a view to sustainable development. First and foremost are the guidelines provided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed for 2030 by the United Nations within the framework of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The greatest ever strategic corporate citizenship initiative in the world. The businesses and organisations that, like Process Factory, have chosen to participate are committed to sharing, supporting and applying to their own sphere of influence a series of fundamental principles related to human rights, working standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.

Collaboration of brands, manufacturers, and associations for the selection and funding of projects aimed to significantly and measurably improving the sustainability goals of the apparel and footwear industry. The partnership between Apparel Impact Institute (Aii) and Process Factory includes the optional integration of PLANET 4sustainability with Aii’s Carbon Leadership Program.

Process Factory is a member of SMI, one of the largest organizations representing textile and fashion companies in the Western world. The Federation aims to defend and promote the interests of the industry and its members, representing the supply chain at the national and international level in dealings with institutions, public administrations, economic, political, trade union and social organizations.

A global non-profit organisation whose mission is to lead the conversion of the sector towards the use of responsible fibres, standards and supply networks. Textile exchange, of which Process Factory is an active member, works to favour the acceleration of sustainable practices throughout the value chain, and in order to minimise, at every level, the harmful impact of the global textile industry.

ZDHC is the international programme that brings together the most important fashion brands, companies in the supply chain and those that provide support on various levels to the activities that gravitate around the common goal of eliminating the use of toxic and harmful chemical substances in production. Process Factory is a ZDHC contributor and an accredited solution provider for training and implementation support.